
Kamis, 26 Januari 2023

Definisi Job Interview + beserta contohnya

"JOB INTERWIEW" Kata-kata itu seakan menjadi menakutkan, bagi orang yang hendak diwawancari untuk menentukan diterima atau tidaknya ke perusahaan yang diinginkan. Tahapan tersebut memang sangat menegangkan, tetapi jika anda sudah mempersiapkan diri maka ketegangan tersebut akan berkurang. Jadi, pada kali ini saya akan memberikan definisi tentang Job Interview dan contohnya.

1. Definition Job Interview

  • A job interview is an interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired. Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for employee selection.

2. Expressions Sentences

a). Draw attention to your education and qualifications, or any formal training you may have received:

·         I studied at University Diponegoro 

·         I did a Management course in 2018 and this helped me to...


b). Focus on your work experience and your career so far:

·         I worked for (company name) as a (job role)…

·         I worked in (sector) for (period of time)… 

c). Describe your best features and what motivates you:

·  I am hardworking/ organised/decisive/patient/easy going/a team player/committed/focused/proactive and methodical.

·         I’m good at problem-solving.

d). Use intensifiers to make stronger statements:

·         I am very organised and extremely focused.

·         I have very good people skills/management skills/organisational skills.


e). Make sure you highlight your language skills:

·         I have effective communication skills in English, both verbally and in writing.

·         I’m a confident speaker of English/I feel comfortable speaking English.


f). If appropriate, talk about your background, where you are from, and where you grew up:

·         I was born in (country) and grew up in (country).

·         relocated/moved to (country) when I was (age).


g). Demonstrate you can solve a problem:  

·        Due to (the situation e.g. COVID 19) our company was under a lot of pressure to implement new health and safety measures.

·        Our team was under pressure to meet new deadlines.

3.  Ettitude

1.      Attractive Appearance

  • The first impression will be seen from the appearance of the prospective employee, when he comes to attend the interview. Make sure to wear clean, formal, and polite clothes, of course, to give a positive impression regarding appearance and character.
  • For men, try to wear a collared shirt combined with formal pants and not jeans. Don't forget to comb your hair, put on perfume, and wear shoes that have also been washed clean.
  • Likewise for women, it is also advisable to wear an official shirt without excessive accessories and make sure to wear work shoes. For hair, it is advisable to wear a hair tie to make it look neat.
  • Meanwhile, for women who wear the hijab, wear formal dress shirts and hijabs that are not excessive in style.


2.      On Time

  • It is also recommended to arrive about 30 minutes earlier than the scheduled interview. Why? In order to be able to map the location, prepare yourself with all the possibilities that exist.
  • By arriving first, it will give time to ensure that all interview equipment has been brought according to the company's instructions.
  • When people can come on time, it will definitely be a separate assessment, especially in terms of time management.


3.      Bring Application Files

  • Even though the application documents are already owned by the company, when the applicant sends the file.
  • But, don't forget to bring back all the files requested as material for applicants when asked about various matters related to these documents.
  • It could be, during the interview session the company will ask for the document again.


4.      Friendly and Polite

  • Even though you are actually grumpy and mean, don't ever bring it out in a job interview. Ethically, try to be friendly and polite to the interviewer.
  • In order to give a positive impression during the interview process. This will also make an assessment in terms of how far an applicant can interact well with other people.
  • Moreover, if the job position being applied for is closely related to the relationship with the client. This good interview etiquette should be applied as much as possible. 


5.      Show Strength

  • Show the best side of yourself, especially about the advantages related to the character and position you want to apply for.
  • Provide information about these advantages correctly and responsibly. For example, strengths in problem solving, analysis, or the ability to use various software related to work positions. 


6.      Keep Attitude

  • Maintaining attitude is indeed an ethic that must be applied wherever you are, especially in a new environment. 
  • Starting from the friendliness when he just arrived at the interview location, to the attitude shown during the interview.


7.      Keep the Tone

  • Speak softly, keeping the tone steady and audible. Not too enthusiastic but not too slow either, the important thing is that the interviewer can understand what is being said.
  • Also choose polite words when communicating, don't go around using slang words that have been often used to talk to peers. 


8.      Confident

  • It may take a little extra time to display confidence, especially when it's your first time doing a job interview. Try to understand the duties and work functions of the position being applied for.
  • Get to know your own potential and arm yourself with information about job interviews. If you need guidance, you can directly contact which has helped many successful job applicants to get their dream job.


9.      Ethics When Entering the Interview Room

  • When you have been called into the interview room, knock on the door first to make sure whether the applicant is ready to receive your arrival.
  • Next, enter with a smiling face and remain standing until asked to sit in an available chair.
  • If within about five minutes, you still haven't been asked to sit down, then ask politely. For example "Excuse me sir/madam, can I sit already?"


10.  How to Sit Properly

  • Avoid sitting with your legs crossed, in interview etiquette it will be considered impolite. Better yet, position your feet parallel in front and then your hands on your thighs or on the table.
  • Don't forget to keep your smartphone in your pocket or bag, on silent or without ringing. In order not to disturb the interview process, should there be an incoming call.


4.  Sample

5.  Video



























Senin, 16 Januari 2023

Serunya Program Kerja Lapangan

Ada yang bilang magang (PKL) itu menyenangkan, dan ada juga yang bilang menyedihkan. Penyebabnya ada beberapa alasan seperti jauh kek, orangnya pada gak ramah, dikucilkan kek dll. 
Semua itu tergantung pada diri kita sendiri, jika kita menanggapi dengan baik semuanya akan menjadi baik dan sebaliknya. Saya akan menceritakan pengalaman magang/latian kerjo ku tahun kemarin.

1. Pandemi menggila

Saya itu lulusan pandemi corona yang sampe sekarang belom selesai pandeminya tetapi sudah tidak setinggi tahun dulu. Bahkan sudah dianggap pergi dari negri namun kami tetap menjaga aturan protokol kesehatan.

Dulu tahun 2022 saya tidak pernah masuk sekolah dari kelas 10-11, karena covid. Saat kelas 10 covid lagi maraknya sehingga kami PJJ (Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh). Dan itu sangat tidak efektif dalam pendidikan diIndonesia. Banyak ilmu yang terlewatkan yang penting padahal masih siswa baru.

Sebelum kenaikan kelas sekolahku mempunyai program kerja lapangan yang akan dilaksanakan Januari. Tepatnya saya naik ke kelas 11. Jujur saja saya belom siap karena ilmu belum cukup untuk menjalani PKL. Tapi apa boleh buat karena aturan sekolab semua wajib.

 2. Hari pertama 

Hari pertamaku dengan teman ku dimulai. Kami bertiga magang di CV Dev Architecture Studio. Kami bertemu dengan ownernya dan memperkenalkan diri kami masing². Kami membantu owner memindahkan barang² yang berharga ke rumah sebelah. Rumah yang ditempati owner itu adalah kontrakan. Kok bisa owner tinggal di kontrakan? . . .  Karena, kantor CV lagi direnovasi jadi kami tinggal di kontrakan.

Sungguh melelahkan setelah membantu beres² dan akhirnya selesai. Kami istirahat sejenak dan kami diberi makanan dari pihak cv bersama staff yang ada disana. Terus kita membuat tugas membuat denah semirip mungkin. Dua hari kami mengerjakan denah 2 lantai, karena kami masih noob si soal gambar dikomputer ( AutoCad ). Banyak revisi yang diberikan tetapi kami masih pantang menyerah mentuntaskannya.

Ternyata dibalik revisi kita juga disuruh membuat file lengkapnya dari STR sampai ME. Bayangkan nggak pernah masuk sekolah tiba² magang. Gimana ga puyeng coba. Tetapi dari tugas proyek yang diberikan ini membuat kita belajar seperti belajar disekolah bahkan bisa lebih banyak. Ilmu baru kami sampe akhirnya kami terbiasa dengan semua itu.

Kami juga mempelajari jenis² keramik melalui teksturnya yang dapat dirasakan.

Dan menikmati tugas dengan kopi di pagi hari yang cerah itu. Kami menikmatinya tanpa melalaikan tugas kami. 

 3. Tour lapangan 

Setelah menyelesaikan tugas proyek kami diajak ke proyek lapangan. Banyak yang diceritakan di proyek apalagi melihat tukang/kuli yang sedang bekerja sambil sharing tentang pengalaman hidup. Tentunya itu juga menambah wawasan dan dapat mempengaruhi hidup. Tour pertama di proyeknya Mrs. Merry diPedurungan serta membeli bahan bangunan.

AJBS salah satu toko bahan bangunan ternama di Semarang. Tidak hanya itu kami juga berkunjung di berbagai tempat proyek. Karena proyek CV sangat banyak.

Masih banyak lagi tempat dan keseruan yang kami kunjungi hingga kami melupakan dokumentasi untuk PKL kami.

 4. Project Terakhir 

Berbulan-bulan sudah berlalu kami menjalankan PKL sebaik mungkin. Tetapi sudah masuk akhir bulan/akhir waktu tugas pkl. Dari pihak sekolah kami disuruh untuk membuat hasil laporan kami selama PKL. Susah senang kami lewati. Berikut kenangan yang ada di folder saya : 

Pesan saya untuk kalian yang mau menjalani PKL, " Tetaplah lakukan apa yang kamu lakukan jika itu baik dalam kehidupan anda, walaupun itu hanya sebuah kegagalan. Percayalah bahwa kesuksesan tidak akan tercipta tanpa kegagalan."

Demikian pengalaman saya pkl di CV. Dev. Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan kata, penulisan atau menyinggung hati pemirsa. Tetap semangat jangan menyerah.  

T H A N K   Y O U

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023

Understanding Application Letter ( With Examples )



Halo sob, Nggak kerasa ya sob sudah kelas 12, disini pasti ada yang berencana  langsung kerja, lanjut kuliah, kerja nyambi kuliah atau jadi wirausaha? Ingat, mau apapun  rencana kita minimal kita harus bisa membuat surat lamaran kerja. Kenapa harus bisa? Karena, surat lamaran kerja adalah surat permohonan yang diajukan seseorang untuk melamar kepada perusahaan secara pribadi namun bersifat resmi.

Jadi kalau kita tidak tahu cara membuat surat lamaran kerja, trus gimana kita mendapat pekerjaan? Nah, sob pada kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit contoh untuk membuat surat lamaran kerja dengan benar.

1. Definition application letter

A.  Meaning  

A cover letter is a formal letter containing the applicant's background and interests related to the position offered. 

B.  Text Structure

 1)      Heading
2)      Salutation
3)      Introductory paragraph
4)      Emphasize paragraphs
5)      Closing paragraph
6)      Complementary degree
7)      Signature 

C.  Fix Expressions / sentence

1)      Heading

A headline is the first part of a letter or the head of a letter. It contains the sender's contact information consisting of name, address, phone number, and email.

2)      Salutation

This section contains formal greetings. This section typically contains the word "Dear" followed by the name of the recipient (recruiter) and a comma (,). For example, dear Clarissa Mabel.

3)      Introductory paragraph

This section is an introduction and includes a statement that you are applying for a specific job or position at the company you are looking for and your reasons for applying for that position. You can mention the trigger.

4)      Emphasize paragraphs

This area is your core area with your qualifications and special skills, and of course related to the position you are applying for. For example, if he's applying for a job as a programmer, he could use this section to describe how advanced his programming skills are.

5)      Closing paragraph

A closing paragraph is a closing paragraph to thank the company or recruiter for considering the application you submitted. For example, We are waiting for you to visit us.

6)      Complementary degree

This section contains final salutations. In this section, you can state that you would like to interview the recruiter to discuss further the position you are applying for. For example, nice to meet you.

7)      Signature

Finally, you can complete the letter with your signature and full name.For example,


Fadil Kibal

CEO of PT. Kibalaya Indonesia

D.  Sample

Bagaimana sampai sini sudah paham belom? Kalau belum, saya kasih contoh letak surat lamaran kerja yang baik dan benar.


2. Job advertisement




Jika kita ingin melamar suatu perkerjaan di perusahaan lain alangkah baiknya kita mencari informasi tentang perusahaan melalui website/medsos lainnya tentang  perusahaan tersebut.

Seperti gambar diatas info lowongan kerja harus masih baru, kurang lebih 1 minggu. Biasanya kita dapat mendapat info loker dari koran, majalah, medsos dll. Supaya lamaran diterima oleh manager perusahaan yang dilamar, tentulah menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan penulisan yang benar, serta kerapian dalam tata letak juga harus diperhatikan.


3. Writing Job application letter 

Muhammad Rafli

Street Perbalan Purwosari 1 No. 631

Semarang, Central Java


January 6, 2023

Dear, Mr/Mrs head of


Street  Sultan M. Mansyur No. 7,

Palembang, South Sumatra




Based on the information I got, I know that the company that you lead requires new employees. Therefore, I applied to fill the position.

I am a graduate of SMK 4 Semarang majoring in building drawings. I have the characteristics of being honest, disciplined, attractive, responsible, and able to work in teams and individually.

As a material consideration for Mr/Mrs leaders, here I attach the conditions below:

1. Copy of Final Diploma 1x

2. Copy of KTP 1x

3. Curriculum Vitae

4. Pas photo size 3x4

     Thus I made this job application letter truthfully, I really hope that the leadership can accept me to work in the company that you lead. For your attention before and after I thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Muhammad Rafli


Nah, sekarang sudah paham bukan caranya mebuat surat lamaran pekerjaan/application letter.

Tentunya masih banyak model penataan yang lain untuk application letter. Yang terpenting adalah struktur application letter terpenuhi. Jadi saya izinkan mencopy apa yang saya tuliskan untuk tugas englisgh kalean. Jika ada kesalahan atau kekurangan bisa ditambahkan di kolom komentar. You are welcome J




T H A N K   Y O U






Definisi Job Interview + beserta contohnya

"JOB INTERWIEW" Kata-kata itu seakan menjadi menakutkan, bagi orang yang hendak diwawancari untuk menentukan diterima atau tidakny...